


There are a lot of unfortunate people wandering around these days. After all, the 21st century has had a slightly rough start. It all started with a major panic at the very beginning of this millennium, which was soon followed by the september 11 terrorist attacks. Then came the wars in afghanistan and iraq. And then there is the global economic crisis, which has affected almost every country on planet earth. Better times.
Yes, we all have a lot of factors to be more unhappy than before, but people continue to crave happiness. Fortunately, we can actually produce something of our own, after there is not enough of it in our existence and in our environment. By creating happiness strategies (a term coined by uc riverside psychology professor and happiness researcher sonya lubomirsky), we can instill happiness in ourselves. Create a little happiness for yourself anytime, anywhere.
Communicate with smiling people
Be a smiling person yourself
Treat yourself to delicious and disease-free food
Test your green finger
Try the 5 percent trick
Turn on the music
Use your money to do something good for someone else
Volunteer in what you loveGo to the gym for once
Get a pet
10: hang out with smiling people
When you see someone smiling, what emotions, in your opinion, he sometimes experiences it? Can we assume that the consumer is happy? Of course yes. We humans associate smiling with happiness, and if we associate with happy people, we can become happier too.
In the past, 4,700 people in framingham, massachusetts, participated in one of the heart experiments. Twenty years old. He collected all sorts of information in the very number of the report, which showed that happiness is contagious. Happy people tend to be at the center of social networks made up of otherwise happy people. As it turns out, emotions are radiated and placed throughout the group.
The study also found that knowing another happy person increases your own joy by 15%%%%%,3%. It became known that friends of the same sex top the list of potential distributors of happiness. So the next time you could use a happiness boost, find a friend in a great mood. Just make an effort not to turn your lady heart into debbie downer.
9. Be the smiley person yourself
It will really take away the positive energy of being constantly picking on the other person every month and dealing with the zodiac or her potentially negative reactions - hence set aside any whining that everyone might want dig out, and enjoy what happens in the end. Landing page can be a serious tool for raising the tone. Few close relationships succeed, but some do. Constant worry about any little thing in life (of course, if we are talking about a vast arsenal of cases) can cause negative emotions, which, without further ado, convey to the people you love in your biography.
To shift business from dead center, why not take another look at the dynamics of existing feelings and all goals online, even relationships with your partner, siblings, children, parents or roommates? Check to see if there are areas where visitors would have the opportunity to unwind a little and, instead, work with little happiness. Would it really play a role if the laundry/dishes/dusting were completed in the given second? Unable to spend a few minutes together, laughing on the couch or going for a walk? Most of the room business can wait - until a certain moment. Vacationing with citizens that the audience cares about is truly precious. In addition to being happier in these professions, you won't have time to spend so much energy trying to micro-manage the set expectations. In addition, these two factors definitely provide an opportunity to cheer up a person.
8: treat yourself to delicious and disease-free food
Fresh foods are more enjoyable than processed foods. . How do our experts know? Well, the chemicals in the head that make us feel happy are produced by some of the foods we eat.
What is left under these circumstances? Complex carbohydrates, like legumes and whole grain breads, release glucose slowly, which can provide sustained strength and protect against chronic fatigue.Folic acid, found in foods such as spinach, is a b-vitamin needed for the production of serotonin, a mood-stabilizing neurotransmitter. Pleasure-inducing dopamine contains tyrosine and phenylalanine, a couple of amino acids found in protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, and beans. However, make sure you keep track of your food habits: going on a diet is welcome too far and in the meantime can suddenly worsen your cool mood. University of pennsylvania psychologist martin seligman points out that depression is caused by feelings of failure and dependency on others. Unfortunately, dieting can lead to both of these feelings when the dieting movie fan doesn't stick to it. Try to eat right, note: on an informal basis.
7. Test yourself
If you're looking for healthy foods that are too expensive, try gardening. A way to take your brand up a number of rungs up the ladder of harmony and eat well. He combines healthy nutrition with general physical exercises (more on this later) in male strength, as well as with the sun and overall productivity. Your like ingredients have been proven to increase optimism, interest, vitality and self-esteem. The user will get that special pleasure that comes with encouraging a fertile garden, and the user will enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes when the growing season is over and the visitors are harvesting.
of course, if you like flowering plants more , this is also important. This kind of weeding, calgary home pro raking and pruning can be cathartic and energizing after you release your flowers to enjoy the sun protection and beneficial soil nutrients. Spending time in nature can have a profoundly restorative effect on quality of life and happiness. This may be especially true for singles and people with developmental dysfunction, but of course you can appreciate the effect.
6: try the 5 percent trick
Sometimes happiness tends to evaporate when we feel overwhelmed by whatever tasks we may face in our personal and work life. Your free time quickly goes into historical background. Even when our employees are not in the workplace, we devote the most to our hobbies. Instead, we fill our precious time gap by taking care of the list of things that are collected in our lives while we work, like cleaning the room or going to the doctor.
These things are still needed however, they must be produced and, if they are allowed to accumulate, they are more like a mountain than a linen list. By doing things little by little, you will gain a happier outlook on everything that is being done in your life. Psychotherapist dr. Nathaniel branden offers a simple solution specifically for people who feel overwhelmed by life: the five percent rule. By saying this or a similar sentence, "if i were 5 percent more responsible now, i would _________." By filling in the gap, we are able to identify and fix things that we didn't even think about are troubling us gradually and gradually. Compelling situations can be more manageable, resulting in a happier outlook.
5: turn on the tunes
Music file, especially moving, catchy or upbeat songs with all sorts of nice (if not all recommended) things like food, sex, interesting positions, and drugs that can elicit positive feedback. The brain begins to pump out dopamine, and our company is back in the proud city. And in principle, just as the smiling people you surround yourself with will help lift your spirits, listening to music with others can also help. The shared experience, along with the personal experience, helps transcend any sad feelings you feel as you weave the client into a positive social fabric.
Music therapy is one practice that experts often seek help with. Lift the gloom and for the treatment of patients suffering from consequences such as language diseases that are associated with injuries, or diseases associated with dementia. Extensive development research is currently still somewhat limited, but the results so far are mostly in the direction of adding melodic therapy. Finally, your favorite song is not able to harm, but can help.
4. Use your own finances to produce something good for someone else
People love to congratulate themselves when they do a selfless, altruistic act, like donating to a charity or helping a stranger in need.While these things are certainly excellent and make the world a happier place, there really is no such thing as a truly selfless act. It sounds a bit cynical, but mri research shows that when we offer kindness to someone else, we actually get something in return - pleasure. The reward center of the brain, the area that gets activated when something good happens to our company, also comes alive when we make something good for someone else.
This means impurities, euphoric sensations, like dopamine. -- Fill our brains when we pay the fare for the person in the car behind us or buy an extra cheeseburger for the homeless guy while we're having lunch.
A 2008 study found that people, by definition, become happier when spending their money on extras. Uninformed participants who worked together to supply pharmaceutical ointments received a nice bonus of $5,000. Researchers found that employees who spend one-third or more of their own money on another's "uncle" score one point higher on a five-point happiness scale.
It's your money; buy some happiness with them.
3: volunteer in a cause you love
If just spending some money isn't enough to put a smile on your face, consider about being a volunteer in person. The visitor may even live longer for the like. So how does it differ from just writing a check to your beautiful charitable organization? Well, firstly, its point is that they spend meaningful time with other users, people who share your special hobbies and orientations and where you will get a wonderful opportunity to create unique social connection. Partnerships within a team of volunteers can be the foundation of rewarding and highly lasting relationships over time.
Also, it's great to see the impact your contributions make first-hand. It's a good thing to get in a good mood as soon as you drop a check into your account or press a button on your laptop; it's another thing to have visual and emotional memories associated with good work personally.
2: go to a workout once
Even one workout can seriously change your alertness spirit and much longer than anyone previously thought. A 2009 study presented at the annual meeting of the american college of sports medicine found that the post-workout "glow" can last up to 12 hours, with benefits throughout the day.
Just one workout can have an effect , but a systematic exercise regimen can have a lasting effect on your mood. Let's say a review conducted at duke university involved two groups of participants with depression, one on a special exercise regimen and the other on the antidepressant zoloft. After four months of either exercise or zoloft, both groups' regimens were discontinued and the researchers revisited the participants 8 months later. They found that the exercise group was generally happier with the services than the drug group. Obligation. Depending on the type of pet, they are likely to live long lives and require a lot of regular care throughout their lives. However, if the internet has taught us anything, it's that pets give us endless giggles at these nonsense that they form, whether it be a cat, a dog, or more exotic varieties of pets. Animals can cause a huge amount of joy; from their silly physical antics to their silly personality quirks.
But now the internet isn't that pets contribute to happiness in a very tangible way. For example, in the united states, services are emerging that bring together veterinarians - more precisely, veterans of the recent wars with dogs who need a loving home. These animals provide the kind of unquestioning and non-judgmental communication that many veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) find it difficult to function with trusted people. And therapy like this can definitely improve happiness levels.
Find out more about patterns for achieving a positive state of mind on the next page.
5 ways to maximize happiness
5 signs you're unhappy
10 recommendations from happy people
5 ways to stay optimistic in times of crisis economics
Top 5 ways to unwind in 2050
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